2. Choir Director
3. Music Education
4. Pace (fast)
5. Mix of Music
a. Four pieces at a time 10-15 minutes each
b. Hymn, simple anthem, challenging anthem
c. Start simple, end simple
6. Regular Meeting Time (complaints will dissipate)
a. Success has nothing to do with where or when practice is held. It has everything to do with consistency. No vacations!
a. Bishopric (one member of bishopric in choir every week)
b. Quorums (one member from each quorum presidency in choir every week
c. No meetings held during choir practice
8. Never Complain About Anything
". . . in at least two sacrament meetings a month., This may include singing in fast and testimony meeting." -Handbook
10. Music to Match Topics
"Choir members may be appointed or called at the option of local priesthood leadership. Those who serve in the choir should understand the importance of being faithful in their assignment." -Handbook