This volume contains eight favorite hymns arranged for piano solo. Selections range from medium to medium difficult. The printed arrangement book is available to be shipped to you, or it may be downloaded to your own printer. The individual numbers are available separately by download only.
This volume of piano solo arrangements by Larry R. Beebe is based on the following hymns:
1. Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words, with music by Ebenezer Beesley;
2. Called to Serve, with music by Walter G. Tyler;
3. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, with music by John Wyeth;
4. Do What Is Right, with music by George Kaillmark;
5. Lead, Kindly Light, with music by John B. Dykes;
6. God Be with You Till We Meet Again, with music by William G. Tomer;
7. Behold! A Royal Army, with music by Adam Geibel;
8. Abide with Me; 'Tis Eventide, with music by Harrison Millard.
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