A wonderful collection of eight favorite hymns arranged for piano solo. Selections range from medium to medium difficult. The printed arrangement book is available to be shipped to you, or it may be downloaded to your own printer. The individual numbers are available separately by download only.
This volume of piano solo arrangements by Larry R. Beebe is based on the following hymns:
O My Father, with music by James McGranahan;
How Great Thou Art, with music attr. to a Swedish folk melody;
Rock of Ages, with music by Thomas Hastings;
Nearer, My God, to Thee, with music by Lowell Mason;
America the Beautiful, with music by Samuel A. Ward;
Joseph Smith's First Prayer, with music by Sylvanus Billings Pond, adapted by A. C. Smyth;
Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings, with music by Alfred M. Durham;
I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go, with music by Carrie E. Rounsefell.
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